Friday, August 28, 2015

Why it's important to plan a project properly

My last post was about the commonly expounded phenomenon of shaving Yaks :

That post used, as an illustrative example, a project that I'm working on professionally.  Please understand that this post isn't intended to be critical of any particular person, project, company, or event, but is instead a gestalt of my experiences all throughout my career so far. Every company can have absolutely amazing people, customers, projects, and culture, and every company can have awful people, customers, projects, and culture. Frankly, a lot of companies have a mix of both good and bad, just like everything else in life. So please don't think I'm trying to criticize any particular organization, this post, and most of the posts that I have on my blog, are intended to be philosophical waxing, not criticism.

Even farther back in the past, I wrote a piece on how the industry that my father is in, residential construction, is remarkably, even eerily, similar to the field of Software Engineering. :

I had a conversation with my father about the yak shaving activities I was participating in (and not enjoying) at work, while he had no idea what i meant by yak shaving, as soon as I explained the whole deal around a task that has to be completed so that a task can be completed, so that a task can be completed, so that...... so that my actual assignment can move forward, he instantly recognized what I was talking about and was able to match my own frustrated rant with one of barely contained intensity born of 30+ years of shaving his own yaks!

An example of said yak shaving, (which involves significant amounts of me getting the details mixed up, and adding embellishments :) ).

He's at a customer site, building, say, a porch or something similar. Turns out that the customer's door frame is rotting out, and the customer agrees it needs to be replaced before the construction of the porch can continue. So dad calls up the local hardware store and asks about a specific model door frame, the guy on the phone assures him they have it. So he goes the half hour drive out to the store, only to find out they didn't have it! Next store closer is another half hour drive, luckily they have it in stock, but half way there he runs into road construction and has to take a detour. Yada yada yada, ultimately almost an entire day is blown on this project of building a porch before a single nail can be hammered into a single board!

Clearly yak shaving is common in lots of different fields.

We got to talking about mitigation strategies, and we were able to delve into the realm of timeline estimation, foreseeing problems, standard operations that helped prevent problems ahead of time, and so on.

On the subject of time estimates, clearly the answer is "it'll take as long as it'll take!", which is the howl of a hell hound for people trying to timebox a project, or a component of a project. My own time estimation is so notoriously bad that even doubling what my gut tells me is consistently an underestimate.

Over the years, my dad's developed a set of procedures for how to undertake operations, either big or small. Going into the details of all the procedures would be kind of hard to do, there are so many of them, and they're all gut knowledge that would probably take decades for him to convey to me, but the general gist is that he seems to build in risk avoidance at every turn. This consistently adds more time to the project compared to the best-case timeline, but that's not what concerns him. The biggest risk for a construction project, a risk that could see the death of his business, and the endless nightmare of pissed off customers and angry lawyers, is always the worst-case timeline of a project. The kind of worst-case involving a house collapsing while building it or similar disaster.

The first step, obviously, is proper planning. Assessing what the end result needs to be, visualizing it, and modeling it. Getting feedback from relevant stakeholders, such as the customer, an architect, possibly a designer or realator, and asking the relevant subcontractors what various options in the plan will do to the bottom line. On a project that will take up to a year of boots-on-the-ground time, this first phase of planning and review can easily take 3 months, or longer, especially if local government has additional concerns to throw into the mix.

For a software project, where the "agile" methodologies movement has been trying to push release dates from years to days, saying that you want to spend over a quarter of the total project timeline doing planning sounds like a sure way to get canned! Without proper project planning, you can certainly reduce your best-case timeline, but at the cost of dramatically increasing your worst-case. That's the reason for doing things this way, and it's to stave off the worst-case scenario of the project not working at all. In the software world, the cost to fix a defect in the software project drastically increases the later on in the project it's discovered. (

What's worse, if I remember my schooling properly, the defect injection rate of a project is at it's absolute highest at the beginning of a project, decreasing over time until the last phase of the project, upgrade / replace / discontinue. (What, you thought the last phase was delivery to customer? Ha!). So, the conclusion that I draw from this is that, since the most defects are introduced into the project when it's the least expensive to fix, and that the longer these defects stay in the project, the more costly they become, you should put as much effort into fixing defects in the early phases of the project as you possible can. In this scenario, a dollar of prevention can be worth a grand of cure!

The best, and cheapest, phase to correct defects is the project inception and planning phase!

Back to the point of shaving yaks, I've recently run into quite a few situations where poor project planning has cost a drastic amount of time late in the project. I went over some of the specifics about what's going on in the project that's causing so much yak shaving, but I really want to put emphasis on my feeling that the delays and yaks are, fundamentally, caused by a lack of defect correction early in the development process.

Of course, everything in the software world is interconnected, just like it is with the construction world. My dad recently did a basement remodel, and while working on it, over and over and over again, ran into huge delays that had nothing to do with the original scope of work. For example, a gas line needs to be moved out of the way, but to do that some electrical work also needs to be done, however doing that properly needs a new circuit put into the breaker and holes town in part of the ceiling that wasn't part of the original plan to route around an unexpected waterline. Get the point? Yaks.

Now, with a construction project at least you can tell just by looking that things are happening, but it can be really difficult to tell when a software project is stalled. "Boy, I haven't heard from my engineer in a couple days. What's he (or she) doing that I'm not seeing?" Well, it could be that your engineer just went off on a vacation without mentioning it, or it could be that he's spent 16 or more hours a day for an entire work week refactoring a delicate piece of complex C++ template code that's running up against compiler bugs that aren't documented very well and he just can't figure it out. Or it could be that he's had to rewrite the unit test framework for the project to account for an unanticipated incompatibility with the relevant standard, or it could be any number of things.

The real question is, knowing that these kinds of unexpected delays and "side tracks" are going to happen, what can you, as a project leader, do to either mitigate or prevent these issues. My opinion is that planning and documentation is the only proven method to handle it. If you're implementing a specific internet standard, for example, frankly the first step is going to need to be translating the incomprehensibly poorly written RFC documents into an actionable requirements document. Next step, involves the design of a project architecture, and spending at least several weeks working on that, and reviewing it, chewing on it, implementing small prototypes of the stuff in that architecture, and just in general ruminating. Why? Because, again, the early stages of a project are the source of the vast majority of project defects!

You wouldn't allow a home to be built without a blueprint. You wouldn't allow a blueprint that hasn't been reviewed by an architect. You wouldn't dig a foundation, ground well, or septic system without properly surveying the ground to ensure that you know whether to add special considerations or not. You certainly wouldn't start framing a house before seeing the blueprint, and you damn sure aren't going to start wiring the house for electricity without consulting with the customer and designer on how the rooms are designed. So why do we accept software projects that are started with no design, no specific details about what it needs to do, no review, no sign off, and components that depend on other components are started before the component they depend on are even built?

I don't know, I really don't.

But I do know this. That defect that managed to hide in your code, back when you forgot to do the inception and planning phase? That defect had it's teen and college years back in the initial development phase, it partied HARD with the other defects that you managed to kill while developing with whiskey and pizza, giving birth to it's own baby defects and puking all over your code at the same time, but this isn't a little defect anymore. It's a giant behemoth of a defect. A bureaucrat of the defect world, grown fat and lazy, but all the more powerful (like Jabba the Hutt), by the lack of attention that you've paid it over it's life.

This defect is your Yak. As soon as you hit the integration phase, this Yak is going to walk right up to you and lick your face. And it's going to keep doing that, invisible to your boss, but staring you in the face from all of 2 inches away for months, until you shave it. Try as you might, you're going to eventually shave this Yak, because it'll either drive you so crazy that you do it yourself over a weekend or 20, or it'll completely prevent progress on your project until it's been satisfied with how thoroughly you shave it.

Shave that Yak!

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